Types Of Computer Viruses – If your computer starts showing a decrease in performance, it could be caused by a virus that is lodged on the computer.A computer virus is malicious program that damages computer components. Computer viruses develop by copying themselves and inserting copies of themselves into programs or other documents on a computer system.

What is a Computer Virus? The Top 5 Types You Need to Know A computer virus is malicious software or code that infects files and programs on your computer. Opening an infected file will execute the virus code and result in damage to your files, your computer, and your overall internet security. Read on to learn about the most common types of computer viruses and the ways to get rid of them. Computer Virus Information: What Do Viruses Do? | Webroot Designed to replicate relentlessly, computer viruses infect your programs and files, alter the way your computer operates or stop it from working altogether. In 2013, the botnet virus Gameover ZueS was discovered to use peer-to-peer downloading sites to distribute ransomware and commit banking fraud.

Feb 22, 2016

Top 5 Sources of Computer Virus Attack The most potent and vulnerable threat of computer users is virus attacks. Virus attacks hampers important work involved with data and documents. It is imperative for every computer user to be aware about the 15 Warning Signs That Your Computer is Malware & Virus Sep 24, 2018

5 Ways to Avoid Computer Viruses | SafeBee

Top 5 Sources of Computer Virus Attack - COMBOFIX