Issues for Menu block |

Hide page title in Drupal 7 if a particular block is present I have a Views 3 block on certain nodes that, amongst other things, renders the node title in the block. Hence, I need to somehow not render the standard node title if this block exists on a node Stack Overflow. Products Hide page title in Drupal 7 if a particular block is present. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Hide node title in Drupal 7 [#1043124] | Jan 28, 2011

Create a second menu block, also using Main menu for the Menu name. Set this to display showing only Level 2 and deeper. Place this new block in a region on the side, e.g., Sidebar first. Disable the default Main menu block by choosing - None - in the region popup menu. The next FAQs will show the steps to complete the process. For additional

Oct 01, 2008 Edit a Block | Drupal 7 Help

We have already talked about nodes, content types, and fields. In Drupal, they often comprise the main content of a page. Very likely you will want to display extra information along the page. This can be accomplished using containers called blocks. For example, the main content of a page can be a news article and a block can be used to display a list of other articles written by the same author.

Recently I faced the same issue and I came across a nice solution which describes the solution in drupal as drupal's way. You can print regions inside any template, but they aren't available out of the box in the node.tpl.php template.