To make things worse, the PRISM scandal continues after the Guardian revealed documents disclosed by former NSA employee Edward Snowden that appear to show that Microsoft collaborated with US intelligence services to allow users' communications to be intercepted, including helping the NSA to circumvent the company's own encryption.

PRISM Scandal: Google Challenges Secret Surveillance Gag Order Tech giant asks Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to allow it to publish national security data requests it receives from the U Jan 17, 2014 · The scandal broke in early June 2013 when the Guardian newspaper reported that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans. Thus when the NSA’s PRISM program for Internet data collection — something that some technology experts have suspected was going on for some time — was exposed in full PowerPoint glory, it was the The NSA also gained access to millions of emails, both foreign and domestic, through the so-called PRISM program. Snowden at a press conference in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Photo: AP Source:AP Jun 11, 2013 · The real killer here is the NSA Prism scandal. Could the timing be worse here? How comfortable are you having a video camera you can't turn off? Hooked to a console you can't turn off? Connected to a company that may or may not cooperate with the NSA? Home Online Programs Computer Science Program Resources NSA's Surveillance Program: PRISM In May, Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the NSA, broke his confidentiality agreement and came forward to the American news press about the NSA's surveillance program, PRISM. He told his story to both The Guardian and The Washington Post.

Subject: Re: The PRISM Scandal - Feds spying on millions of people Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:33 am

Jun 22, 2013 · A second programme, called PRISM, gave the NSA access to emails of foreigners handled by major US internet companies like Google, Apple and Yahoo.Mr Snowden has thereafter continued to leak other In the words of national security reporter Marc Ambinder, "PRISM [is] a kick-ass GUI that allows an analyst to look at, collate, monitor, and cross-check different data types provided to the NSA

In the words of national security reporter Marc Ambinder, "PRISM [is] a kick-ass GUI that allows an analyst to look at, collate, monitor, and cross-check different data types provided to the NSA

Thus when the NSA’s PRISM program for Internet data collection — something that some technology experts have suspected was going on for some time — was exposed in full PowerPoint glory, it was the The NSA also gained access to millions of emails, both foreign and domestic, through the so-called PRISM program. Snowden at a press conference in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Photo: AP Source:AP